Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My first post on Windsurfing Rocks :-)

Hi, guys... This is my personal blog on windsurfing. Windsurfing is a great sport that I started to practice three years ago. Well at the age 38 ... it is just never too late :D.

Windsurfing is not just about sports. It has also a great deal to do with technology and that's why it is so appealing to me. 

I am still learning. Actually I'll always be learning and improving and through this process I found that the internet is immense source of great information. I know there are lots of newbie’s around like me and that learning from mistakes is something that we all must go through. I just hope that with this blog I can give something back to the windsurfing community and that for some my feedback and experience will be welcome. Maybe you can learn also from my mistakes :D

My girlfriend started to film me this season and I find it a great way to see my mistakes. For starters ... here is my channel on YouTube: